The Power of a Preschool Teacher: A Lesson from the Life of Les Brown

2 min
Jul 15, 2024
By Debbie Martin, Director of Operations, The Malvern School Internationally recognized inspirational speaker. Best-selling author. Television personality. Politician. Les Brown is known for many things. But had it not been for one extraordinary preschool teacher � among other important influences � his life might look very different today.  I recently had the opportunity to hear Les speak at a conference for early childhood educators. His story truly spoke to me � and to the critical work of those who nurture and teach young children. A Fundamental Influence The historian Henry Brooks Adams once said, �Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.� We know, however, where it starts, and that�s in the classroom with the most impressionable of students. In our classrooms, lessons and experiences every day � every minute � have the ability to shape toddlers and preschoolers at a fundamental level. From how they interact with others to what they value � to how they see the world or how they see themselves (even as adults), early childhood educators have a deep-seated influence on the lives of young children and the generation of tomorrow. While we know this is true, there are times when this is more explicit than others. Les�s experience is one of those times. Three Words � A Life Forever Changed What many people don�t know is that Les had a tumultuous childhood. According to his biography, �Born a twin in low-income Liberty City in Miami, Florida, Les and his twin brother, Wes, were adopted when they were six weeks old by Mrs. Mamie Brown. Mrs. Brown was a single woman who had very little education or financial means, but a very big heart. As a child Les Brown's inattention to school work, his restless energy, and the failure of his teachers to recognize his true potential resulted in him being mislabeled as a slow learner. The label and the stigma stayed with him, damaging self-esteem to such an extent that it took several years to overcome.� These were dark, deeply hurtful experiences for Les. But what helped him push through these hard times were three simple words: �You�re special, honey.� That�s what his preschool teacher believed and instilled in him. And she did it in a way so powerful that it became a mantra, a light among darkness, for Les, and helped him to believe in his own self-worth and potential years later. That�s the influence of a preschool teacher at work. That�s the weight our words and actions carry, not only in one minute or on one day, but for years and years to come. That�s our power � and our responsibility � in action.