Sensory Exploration at Royersford!

1 min
Jul 15, 2024
royersfordSince birth, children have been seeing, smelling, tasting, touching and hearing to learn more about the world! Children are usually quick to dive in and explore new things with their hands. This is why at The Malvern School, we believe it is important to include many meaningful, hands-on, sensory activities throughout the day. In our Toddler Classroom, the children explored �snow.� To create play snow, simply mix together 3 cups of baking soda and � cup of white conditioner. The children had so much fun squeezing, squishing, shaping, rolling, and playing with the �snow.� Our toddler teachers asked questions like, �How does it feel?� as the children playfully explored the mixture. Was it messy? Absolutely! Was it a fun learning experience? Absolutely!