Mother�s Day is such an exciting holiday for young children! For them, it�s an opportunity to shine as they show appreciation for their mommies, grandmothers and other important family members in all different ways. At The Malvern School, it�s a privilege to help our friends express just how much they love these special ladies! With guidance from teachers, our students each prepare keepsakes or cards to present to their moms. Even our infants get crafty with handprint or footprint art that we know they will cherish! Each of our schools also hosts special celebrations to honor moms with yummy food and fun activities. This year, some of our classes performed songs they had been practicing just for mom, participated in �Yogurt and Yoga� or spent quality time with �Muffins for Mom.� Check out the photos below to see the love at our schools in Horsham, Medford and Washingtown Township! [ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="14" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails" override_thumbnail_settings="0" thumbnail_width="120" thumbnail_height="90" thumbnail_crop="1" images_per_page="1000" number_of_columns="0" ajax_pagination="0" show_all_in_lightbox="0" use_imagebrowser_effect="0" show_slideshow_link="0" slideshow_link_text="[Show slideshow]" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]   Thank you to all the Malvern School moms and mother figures for being such fantastic role models for your children, and for your endless love, support and understanding!