Malvern Blog

Teamwork Keeps Malvern School Teachers at the Top of Their Game

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:14:08 PM
[caption id="attachment_12370" align="alignright" width="476"] Teachers Lauren Behar (left) and Terri Cornine (right) both agree the camaraderie at The Malvern School is something special![/caption]

Spotlight on Terri Cornine & Lauren Behar

  • Role: Preschool Lead Teacher & Get Set Lead Teacher
  • Location: The Malvern School of Richboro
  • Malvern School Employees Since: 2012 & 2018
Just like they say it takes a village to raise a child, delivering high-quality early childhood education truly takes a team. This team mentality is pervasive throughout The Malvern School and helps our teachers build fulfilling relationships and careers. That�s certainly the case for two of our outstanding teachers at The Malvern School of Richboro, who say working as a team makes everyone stronger. Despite different career paths � with Ms. Terri spending nearly 20 years in early education and Ms. Lauren working as a public school teacher for 13 years before staying at home with her four children and returning to work in early childhood education � both agree the camaraderie at The Malvern School is something special.

How would you describe the team mentality at The Malvern School?

TC: We always work as a team! Our teachers and Directors are always there to help one another. LB: The teaching team is extremely close and really does support each other. That�s one of the reasons I initially �chose to join The Malvern School team, and it�s something I continue to appreciate today!

How does that impact the school community?

TC: It makes The Malvern School a fantastic environment for teachers and children. The bonds that are formed between families, children and staff are incredible. We really are a Malvern family! LB: As teachers, we know we are valued. Our leaders listen, ask for suggestions and value our input. This helps us all make school special and fun!

How does The Malvern School help you stay at the top of your game?

TC: Beyond having an amazing team supporting us, The Malvern School always encourages us to further our education and follow our dreams. LB:�I know first-hand how hard it is to leave your children each day, but I want our parents to feel confident knowing their children are in a loving environment at school. With a caring and talented team all around, we can make that happen.  

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