Malvern Blog

Parent Perspectives: Returning to School

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:14:52 PM
The decision of when to return to school and childcare is personal for every family � but in making that call, it can be helpful to hear from others who may be in similar situations. We know there is curiosity and uncertainty among families who have not yet returned to school, or whose little ones may be brand new to the world of early childhood education. To get additional perspective, tap into the experience of Malvern School parents as they describe their return to school, in their own words. �Every day, my boys come home from The Malvern School smiling and in a great mood. The teachers helped us make a seamless transition from being at home for two months during the pandemic to back to school. Our three-year-old � who tells us �I had a great day!� time and time again � is learning so much and making great new friends in Preschool 1. Our infant is getting used to being in the care of others and not just mommy and daddy. I cannot thank the staff enough for how quickly they adapted to teaching during the pandemic and for creating an environment that takes health and wellness seriously. The Malvern School is just as loving as it has always been.� � Leanne L., Montgomeryville     �We were hesitant to send our kids back to Malvern when it reopened in June. Three months later, I can say it is the best decision we could have made in 2020. In March through June, we were very stressed trying to balance our full-time jobs, plus our full-time jobs as parents. We felt quite often during quarantine that our kids were missing out, as we were juggling parenting duties with conference calls, Zoom meetings and work during the day.� Also, we could see in our kids� behavior how much they missed the structure of Malvern, and their teachers and friends. Since returning to Malvern, we have been able to restore some sense of normalcy to this rather unusual year. The COVID policies and procedures for the return to school met our expectations, and are consistent with the recommended guidelines. We never thought our daughter would be able to wear a mask all day at school. But, she has become so accustomed to wearing it during the day that we often have to remind her to take it off on the way home. We know that the teachers and staff at Malvern are focused on ensuring that our kids stay healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic by staying consistent with wearing masks, washing their hands, and keeping the kids in �pods� to reduce contact between the classes.� � Elizabeth O., Horsham     �Any worries or hesitations we had about sending our son back to school quickly left when we saw all of the precautions The Malvern School has put in place to make it a normal, fun school environment. His excitement as he arrives in the morning and the smile on his face when we pick him up tells us every day we made the right decision to return. He's learning, exploring new things, having fun with his friends and has constant loving support from the school�s wonderful staff of teachers. We're so happy to be back and to provide a sense of normalcy for our son!� � Laura R., Horsham     �My daughter was 11 months old when schools closed due to COVID-19. Once we returned, she was 16 months; those are five crucial months in the development of a child's life � also transitioning from the infant to toddler room! We were unsure how she would separate from us, since we were all together 24/7. Five years ago when we were selecting a daycare for our son, one of the reasons we chose The Malvern School was because their safety, security, and cleaning measures were the best we found. Moving into COVID-19 regulations, that has remained true. On the first day I brought my daughter to the front door for her health screening, many of the staff were in the lobby to say hello and welcome her back. When I drove away, I was overcome with emotion; not fear for leaving her, but gratitude for a building full of loving professionals who really care about my children.� � Lori B., Montgomeryville     �In these trying times, our only constant has been The Malvern School! Once they reopened, they have gone above and beyond! Our girls have been there for the last four years and it�s been such an incredible experience. The teachers are like family and genuinely invested. I can�t recommend The Malvern School enough!� � Elizabeth P., Horsham     �We�ve had our kids at The Malvern School for two years and are very impressed with the safety measures they implemented in light of the pandemic. The teachers and Directors are flexible and responsive. They have answered all of our questions and have helped us work through some tough decisions that we�re facing during this time. I�m thrilled they are offering the MVP classes for my first grader and look forward to my kids continuing to attend The Malvern School throughout the year.� � Jill D., Horsham           We�re ready when you are. Learn more about our modified Health & Wellness procedures, and if we can be helpful as you determine what�s best for your children and your family, please don�t hesitate to contact your local Director. We hope to see you soon!