Malvern Blog

Welcome Spring at Warrington

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:10:44 PM
It is finally starting to warm up and we are seeing green grass instead of white snow! What this means at The Malvern School in Warrington is that we will be able to go outside and get some fresh air! Along with this, comes our outside physical activities. Students will be able to participate in large motor activities, such as relay races, organized sports and jump rope. The students are also given the opportunity to play on the climber, swing on the swings for the toddlers and build in the sandbox for the older students! These physical activities and exploring outside allows the children to stretch their legs and burn off some energy. The students, as well as the teachers, are looking forward to these outside physical activities and the sunshine! It is time to welcome Spring with open arms.