Malvern Blog

To the Pre-K Class of 2018

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:16:42 PM
Five years ago, when many of your parents first dropped you off at school � with bottles, diapers and crib sheets in tow � this graduation day, which we all knew would eventually come, felt like it would be a million years away. Yet, here we are. Here you are. Ready to head off to Kindergarten! Reading. Writing. Exploring. Ready to excitedly tackle any project or challenge in front of you. Here you are. With some of your best friends by your side. With your teachers, who have helped you grow in so many different ways. And with your families proudly looking upon you.   Friends, it is your time to fly. Time to leave this cozy nest that we call The Malvern School (at least for the mornings), spread your wings and expand your horizons. Time to show the world your sparkle. Since you first stepped foot through those red doors, you, friends, have lit up our classrooms and � truly � our lives. Your smiles, your laughter, your questions, your �aha!�s, your imagination, your kindness, your compassion � it�s what this school, and this community, is all about. Over the past year, you have been the leaders of the school. The �big kids� our other friends look up to. And what an example you have given them. In Kindergarten, you might not be quite as big as the new �big kids,� but never have any doubt that you are mighty. That you are capable. That you are smart. That you are special. And that you can do anything � absolutely anything � that you put your mind to. So dream big. Fly with your heads held high. And know your Malvern School family will always be cheering you on!