Malvern Blog

The New School Year At Jackson Is In Full Swing!

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 9:28:37 AM
The Summer has come to a close, the new school year here at The Malvern School of Jackson is in full swing! We welcomed many new families this year, along with some wonderful teachers to accommodate our growing school.� October is an enjoyable month filled with lots of learning, discovering and exploring all that the new season has to offer. Our Pre-Kindergarten children have had many opportunities for hands on exploration with our new extended STEAM program! Our STEAM program has a weekly story focus; along with new concepts the children get to learn each week such as, Diagramming, Blue Prints, modes of transportation, maps, animal life and much more! Throughout the month of October, The Malvern School of Jackson had visits from many special people!�One of our favorite visits was from The Jackson Mills Fire Department for Fire Prevention month. Our local firefighters�came out and taught us all about staying safe in the event of a fire, and also how to prevent fires. All of the children had the opportunity to explore the fire truck, equipment, and most importantly learned how to STOP, DROP, AND ROLL! The firefighters were even dressed up in their full gear to show the children that although they may look scary, it is really just them underneath all of that apparatus! Do you know what to do in the case of a fire? Each family should practice fire drills and home just like we do here at The Malvern School!