Malvern Blog

Spring Has Sprung At The Malvern School of Malvern!

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:16:47 PM
Our students are busy enjoying a variety of challenging daily learning experiences as well as exploring our big back yard as we welcome the warm weather and sunshine. Spring also marks the arrival of Kindergarten registration time. Parents of children who will be 5 by August 31 st 2015 should visit their school district�s website for the details on the kindergarten registration process, and call their district office with all specific questions or to schedule a kindergarten registration appointment. Once your child is registered for Kindergarten at their local elementary school, the next step is to schedule a tour at The Malvern School to find out all about our Kindergarten Enrichment program! Kindergarten Enrichment is a hands-on, academically challenging program for students who attend half day kindergarten at one of the surrounding elementary schools. The KE curriculum aligns with the Pennsylvania Department of Education�s Early Learning Standards, and includes a full range of studies. Students engage in exploratory learning opportunities that extend and expand upon the topics introduced in their Kindergarten, in areas such as science, language arts, art, math, and more. This year�s Kindergarten Enrichment class is very proud to have just completed their first Personal narrative writing piece during Writer�s Workshop! For more information about the benefits to extending your child�s learning day with our Kindergarten Enrichment program, please contact The Malvern School of Malvern to schedule a visit. We are already enrolling for next year�s Kindergarten Enrichment and have limited spaces available, so schedule your appointment soon.