Malvern Blog

Six Types of Brain-Building Questions You Should Be Asking Your Child

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:11:25 PM
�Did you have a good day?� �Did you have fun at the park?� �Did you enjoy the book?� It�s exceedingly easy to fall into the pattern of asking children these types of close-ended questions. They�ll probably get you one- or two-word answers, maybe more if you�re lucky, but more often than not, they leave a lot of opportunity for conversation and cognitive development on the table. Unlike simple yes-or-no questions, open-ended questions can help children expand their creativity, language and cognitive skills by encouraging deeper thinking. Adapting Bloom�s Taxonomy � a cognitive model commonly used in the field of education � to the preschool classroom, teacher educator Janis Strasser, EdD, outlines six different types of questions that �spark meaningful conversation,� enrich children�s language and strengthen their cognitive ability. These types of questions are important for parents to familiarize themselves with as they further their child�s learning and development outside of the classroom. Keep in mind these categories are not mutually exclusive. According to Strasser, �When children are asked questions, they must use one, some, or all of the categories below to come up with an answer. The more complex the question, the richer children�s language and thinking.� 1. Remember (identify, name, count, repeat, recall), e.g.:
  • �What was the name of the book you read today?�
  • �How many main characters were in the story?�
2. Understand(describe, discuss, explain, summarize), e.g.:
  • �Which part of the story was your favorite? Why?�
  • �What did you notice about...?
3. Apply (explain why, dramatize, identify with/relate to), e.g.:
  • �What do you think that means?�
  • �Why do you think the character in the story behaved that way?�
4. Analyze (recognize change, experiment, infer, compare, contrast), e.g.:
  • �What do you think will happen next?� / �What do you think will happen if...?�
  • �What happened when you tried that?�
5. Evaluate (express opinion, judge, defend/criticize), e.g.:
  • �What made you decide to do it that way?�
  • �What would you do differently next time?�
6. Create (make, construct, design, author), e.g.:
  • �What are some ideas you have that we can try?�
  • �Tell me what you created.�
There�s no doubt questions are a powerful tool when it comes to early childhood development. Challenge yourself to ask your little one thought-provoking, brain-building questions, and enjoy the conversations that follow.