Malvern Blog

Happy New Year!

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 9:28:44 AM
It�s a new year! As we celebrate the start of 2017 with our family and friends, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2016. This past year was my proudest year for The Malvern School: we reached (and often surpassed) our goals like the one we set to raise money for Alex�s; we worked hard to become better directors, teachers, managers, administers and staff through various professional development meetings and trainings; we supported each other and we celebrated each other at our annual awards dinner; and most importantly, through all of this, we continued our commitment to always put the children first. This year, I was able to experience one of my most gratifying moments as President and co-founder of The Malvern School. We raised and donated more than $100,000 for Alex�s Lemonade Stand Foundation. Wow. We raised a lot of money this year and gave it to an amazing cause! We couldn�t have done it without every child, every parent, every director and every teacher. There is a world of possibilities when we all come together for a common goal! Happy New Year! -Kristen M. Waterfield, President