Malvern Blog

Glen Mills is Hatching New Ventures!

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:13:59 PM
The Malvern School is up and running with Tadpoles!� Never hear your child utter the word, �Nothing� when you ask what they did today.� Through the tadpole system you will receive detailed daily updates describing everything your child did, including fun photos!� Download the app and you can also receive notes by email, download or share photos of your children, receive emergency alerts by text message, view your children�s portfolio using our mobile application, mark your child out sick or on vacation using our mobile application, and much, much more! Here are just a few of the responses we received after launching Tadpoles this month� �I love these emails!!� �I wanted to let you know that my husband and I are big fans of the new Tadpole system/email. We both downloaded the app on our phone and are excited�that�pictures are included. And just�think of all the paper you�ll save!!� �I think the Tadpoles initiative is a great way to help parents stay current on what their child did during the day and I look forward to see how this tool can continue to enhance the Malvern School experience.� It�s good to see how Malvern School continues to utilize technology (e.g. electronic sign-ins, computer classes, etc.) to make daycare not only more manageable and interactive for parents, but meaningful for the children.� I applaud the decision to include pictures with these reports and would encourage your team to continue posting any other personal info that the teachers are able to customize on a child-by-child basis (time permitting, I realize).� Thank you for this addition to the program.� �I love Tadpoles�the picture is amazing and the special message is awesome ! ! ��Now I can ask open ended questions when I pick her up.� Interested in finding out more?� Visit their website at, then call us today to schedule a tour (610) 558-3881!