Malvern Blog

Five Tips to Ease Transition from Summer to School

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:11:33 PM
The school year is only a few days away and the prep for success starts now! After a couple of months of relaxation, abnormal schedules, and summertime fun, getting your child back in a school routine may be easier said than done. The sooner you begin to prepare, the fewer surprises will arise on the big first day. Here are a few tips to ease your child�s transition from summer to school that will make everyone�s life a bit easier- especially yours!  
  • Start a routine now-
    • Getting your child up and to bed early now will help avoid crankiness on the first day and get them back in the swing of things.
  • Ease the nerves-
    • Help reduce any pending anxiety your child may have about starting a new school year by reading books about school that will spark discussion and answer any questions.
  • Sharpen their skills-
    • Planning simple lessons to sharpen your child�s academic skills will make a big difference when it comes time for them to put on their thinking caps in the classroom! At-home activities such as cooking and puzzles are great math and critical thinking lessons in disguise.
  • De-stress dressing-
    • Let your child choose special first-day clothes the night before the first day to give them a sense of independence while eliminating any last-minute struggle. To avoid arguing over school-appropriate clothes, bring the fall wardrobe front and center!
  • Discuss goals for the school year-
    • Chat about what your child should look to gain during their time at school to help them gain a perspective of why they are going and what they can strive for while they�re there.
We want your first day to be as exciting and stress-free as your child�s! Don�t hesitate to contact your Director with any questions you may have regarding The Malvern School. We can�t wait to welcome our friends- old and new- to The Malvern School for the best school year yet!