Malvern Blog

Behind the Scenes of Young Authors� Night

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:10:38 PM
Throughout this week and last, Pre-K classes at all of our schools are taking the stage for Young Authors� Night � an annual event where each student has the opportunity to read aloud a book they have written to an audience of families, friends and teachers. In addition to being an exciting activity that allows children to exercise their creativity, writing, reading, art and public speaking skills, it�s also a favorite Malvern School tradition among parents, though they often don�t get to see all of their children�s hard work first hand leading up to the showcase. To provide a look behind the scenes, we have been following along with our Pre-K friends at The Malvern School of Frazer throughout the process. Working one-on-one with teachers over the course of several weeks, the kids:
  • Brainstormed different ideas of things to write about;
  • Selected one topic to focus their book on;
  • Determined which characters would be in the story;
  • Outlined what happens in the story, page by page;
  • Decided on a title for the book;
  • Wrote rough drafts, sounding out words and practicing writing;
  • Copied the text into their final storybooks;
  • Illustrated each page of their final storybooks; and
  • Practiced reading their books aloud to prepare for the big night.

After brainstorming, this author decided to create a sequel to the book, �Shark Makes Friends,� called �The Sea Festival.� It�s a story of friendship between a shark, a squid and a crab in the ocean who help one another and play together at the sea festival. �It�s all about having fun,� he says.

�Drawing the pictures was my favorite part,� he adds.

The author of �The Sea Festival� proudly displays his storybook!

After weeks of hard work and preparation, our Young Authors were excited to read their original stories aloud to the crowd!