Malvern Blog

Around the World Day in One Day- The Malvern Way

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:16:38 PM
Passports? Check! Suitcase? Check! All aboard Malvern Airlines for a trip around the world! Students across all Malvern Schools caught a glimpse into cultures around the globe during a special Around the World Day event. Countries from Mexico to Australia were visited and explored while each classroom was transformed into a different country highlighting customary traditions, food, music and more. Taste-testing scones from England, building the Great Wall of China with Legos, and having a Kangaroo Race in Australia were among some of the activities enjoyed on this special day. Creating an opportunity for children to explore different cultures inside The Malvern School walls is one of our favorites! Take  look at some of our special Around the World Day highlights: [ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="20" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails" override_thumbnail_settings="0" thumbnail_width="120" thumbnail_height="90" thumbnail_crop="1" images_per_page="1000" number_of_columns="0" ajax_pagination="0" show_all_in_lightbox="0" use_imagebrowser_effect="0" show_slideshow_link="0" slideshow_link_text="[Show slideshow]" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]