Malvern Blog

5 Ways to Get Your Young Child Ready for Back to School

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:10:56 PM
[caption id="attachment_3649" align="alignleft" width="475"] Welcome back to school, Friends![/caption] As a lot of our elementary and secondary school-age children are going back to school the next couple of weeks, we often don�t think too much about how to prepare our youngest children for back to school. Here at The Malvern School, our first day of school is Tuesday, September 5 and this can be just as big of a transition for our little one as it for our parents. As you get your young child ready to join The Malvern School � whether it is their first experience in a classroom or they are simply moving into a new classroom � it�s important to talk through the changes and provide them with support and guidance. Here are five ways to connect with your young child and ensure that new school year starts off on a positive note!
  1. Talk to your little one! This tip may seem quite obvious, but developing language skills is a good foundation not only to establishing a positive relationship with your young child, but it also opens the door to other conversations. Turn off the TV and your phone, and personally engage with your child. Start by asking questions about what they know about school and what their expectations will be when they meet new friends and teachers.
  2. Play with your young child! Pretend play and role playing is a great way for your child to learn about school. Set up a classroom and role play with your children what they should expect at school.
  3. Plan a Play & Stay Date at The Malvern School! Set aside a morning before the start of school to visit with the Directors, meet the teachers and your child�s future classmates. At The Malvern School, we offer �Play & Stay� dates for families. This gives you the opportunity to spend time at the school, participate in classroom activities and meet classmates and teachers. Call your Malvern School today to schedule a Play & Stay date!
  4. Encourage independence! Soon your child will be exposed to many opportunities to show independence. Even though most children in early childhood seek and thrive on independent tasks, it�s a good idea to start implementing these responsibilities at home. These include personal needs such as putting on a jacket or their shoes and using the bathroom. Children who are encouraged to be independent at home thrive at preschool because they don�t need the aide of an adult. And they develop a deep sense of pride!
  5. Be self-aware and keep it positive! For most parents, the anxiety and the hesitation to separate from their young child can directly affect how the child transitions into school. Remember to focus on the positives and get your child excited about school. They are looking to you to reassure them and boost their confidence about attending school.
    Remember that starting school is a big step for kids and parents alike! We want our Malvern School families to have positive experiences in early childhood education and we encourage you to speak with your Director and teachers as you embark on a new school year. We can�t wait to see all your happy faces on September 5 th!