Malvern Blog

5 New Year�s Resolutions for the Entire Family

Written by The Malvern School | Jul 15, 2024 2:13:25 PM
  The start of a new decade sparks hopes of new beginnings, bright futures, and change for the better. In the hustle and bustle throughout the day, some not so healthy habits tend to sneak into our busy routines. However, sometimes those days turn into weeks and months with no end in sight! Whatever the habit, the new year is the perfect time to set healthy resolutions with realistic expectations for your family. Start today for a happier and healthier tomorrow for your entire household!

Get Unplugged

At The Malvern School, we encourage as little screen time as possible for your young ones. However, this can be encouraged for parents, too! When was the last time you and your family spent a day �unplugged� without watching TV, checking emails, or constantly glued to your phones? Set a goal of spending at least one day a month (or more!) without your devices. Instead, go for a walk, play a board game, or cook a new recipe with your family.

Eat Wiser Together

 Break free of the latest fad diet plan and commit to eating healthy meals as a family. Carrying out this goal together will set a positive diet example for your little ones as well as keep yourself motivated to follow-through. Researching recipes together and involving children in the kitchen can make them more interested and adventurous at mealtime.

Get Moving

We all know how easily our plans to get in shape are interrupted by real life. Make fitness fun and accessible doing activities that will get the whole family moving. Have an indoor dance party, go on a walk after dinner, or have a drive-way relay race. You�ll thank yourself later (especially with some tired kiddos!)

Spread Kindness

 The new year is a great time to give a refresher on manners, sharing, and helping others. From our year long partnership with Alex�s Lemonade Stand Foundation to holiday charity events, there are many ways The Malvern School teaches children about compassion and empathy. Bring this full circle by volunteering as a family or even just having a conversation with your child about what it means to be kind. The world can always use a little more kindness!


Parents, this one is for you! Whether it be a night out to dinner without the kids or a 15-minute meditation session in the other room, make it a priority to regularly set aside some much needed �me� time to relax and recharge. Easier said than done, or course! However, making this a family goal can also help you find ample opportunity for some R&R. Create a cozy corner in the living room, cuddle up with your family, and try different breathing exercises. Try these relaxation techniques before bedtime as a way of connecting with your family and winding down after a long day!